Monday, April 14, 2008

Video Surveillance for your Mobile

ConnectVu is a CCTV system which allows you to monitor video from CCTV cameras on your mobile. If your mobile phone is capable of GPRS, GSM or 3G then you will be able to access, and control the CCTV cameras over the air. The software is Java, so a compatible phone would have to be used. By moving control of the CCTV cameras to your mobile phone, it allows you to track security where ever you are. The software on the phone allows you to switch between 16 different cameras and control where the cameras are pointing to allow you to get a better shot of who is breaking in to your premises.
The ConnectVu system can support up to four video cameras per capture card, and the system can use 4 capture cards making a total of 16 cameras being supported. Mix the combination of 16 CCTV cameras with motion detection, you have a nice security system all accessible over the air from your mobile phone. The motion detection system also can be configured to email or send an SMS message to your phone to alert you of movement.

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